St. Paul Parks and Recreation-2

Streamlining Youth Sports Management: St. Paul Parks and Recreation's Journey with Ankored


St. Paul Parks and Recreation, dedicated to offering recreational opportunities for all, faced significant administrative hurdles in managing their sports programs. Courtney John, the Community Recreation Director, oversees leagues and tournaments for various sports, including softball, volleyball, soccer, and basketball.

With 26 recreation centers and numerous affiliate programs, the organization serves thousands of participants city-wide. "Our main job is setting up leagues and tournaments for youth and adults," says Courtney. This story delves into their journey with Ankored, highlighting their challenges, solutions, and transformative benefits.


St. Paul Parks and Recreation's commitment to providing diverse sports offerings for the community was commendable, but the administrative load was overwhelming. Courtney and her team were drowning in paperwork, trying to keep up with mandatory compliance, including background checks, concussion training, and coaching certifications.

One of the biggest hurdles was managing background checks for all coaches and referees. This process involved collecting sensitive personal information, including social security numbers, which raised data privacy concerns.

"We used to do paper forms. If somebody came in and wanted to coach basketball, the site staff would give them the paper. They'd have to fill it out with their social security number, give it to that staff, that staff scans it to us, and then we would enter it into a background check system," Courtney explains.

Moreover, tracking certification expirations and sending reminders was a time-consuming task. With requirements such as background checks every two years, concussion certificates every three years, and one-time coaching tests, keeping everything up-to-date was a constant challenge.


The Search for a Solution

The turning point came when their supervisor, Shana, the Recreation Manager, introduced the team to Ankored. After a demonstration and discussion about pricing, St. Paul Parks and Recreation chose Ankored due to its comprehensive features and user-friendly interface.

"We really needed something with an electronic component that could track and remind people without us having to physically do that," Courtney recalls.

The search was driven by a desire to find a platform that could handle the heavy administrative workload, ensure data privacy, and provide a reliable, easy-to-use interface for both administrators and coaches.


Implementation and Use

The implementation process began with Courtney and her team overseeing the transition. Ankored's unified compliance tracking system provided much-needed relief. Instead of juggling multiple paper forms and manual entries, they now had a single platform to manage all compliance-related activities.

"Daisy and her team are very responsive anytime we mess something up or think of something new. She's on it immediately," Courtney notes. The system's intuitive design meant that users quickly adapted to the new platform, minimizing downtime and maximizing efficiency.

One of the most immediate benefits was the streamlined background check process. Ankored eliminated the need for paper forms and manual data entry, significantly improving data privacy and reducing the administrative burden. Coaches could now enter their information directly into the system, removing the need for staff to handle sensitive data.



Adopting Ankored brought about significant positive changes for St. Paul Parks and Recreation. Courtney reported substantial time savings and improved efficiency in managing coach compliance.


Key Benefits Included:

Enhanced Data Security Eliminating paper forms and manual handling of sensitive information.
Streamlined Processes Automated reminders for certification renewals and background checks, significantly reducing administrative time.
Improved Accessibility Site staff can now check their coaches' requirements without asking the central office.
Simplified Billing Streamlined the process, eliminating the need to code hundreds of individual background checks.
Expanded Potential The success with Ankored has led to discussions about implementing it across other divisions of the Parks department.

"For us, part of it is the data privacy. I don't need to see any coach's social security number now. They put it in themselves. The staff don't have to see it. I don't have to see it," Courtney emphasizes.


Tactical Insights

From St. Paul Parks and Recreation's experience, several tactical insights emerged:

  • Centralized Compliance Management: A single platform for compliance tracking can drastically reduce administrative workload and improve accuracy.
  • Data Privacy Focus: Prioritizing the security of sensitive information builds trust with volunteers and staff.
  • Automation of Routine Tasks: Automating reminders and notifications saves time and reduces human error.
  • Integration with Existing Systems: Seamless integration with current processes enhances operational efficiency.
  • Customizable Solutions: The ability to adapt the system to specific departmental needs increases its value across the organization.


Wrapping Up

St. Paul Parks and Recreation's journey with Ankored showcases the transformative impact of efficient compliance management in municipal sports programs. By addressing their pain points and streamlining administrative processes, the organization can now focus on its core mission—providing the community with positive and enriching sports experiences.

"It's streamlined, simple, and saves us time and money while ensuring data privacy," Courtney concludes. "That's how we justify the ongoing spend on Ankored."

The tactical insights from this experience offer valuable lessons for other municipal organizations facing similar challenges in sports program administration. St. Paul Parks and Recreation's experience illustrates that the right compliance management tool can significantly enhance an organization's operational efficiency, allowing them to serve their community better.


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