Huron Valley District School

Transforming Compliance and Coaching Education with Ankored at Huron Valley School District


Huron Valley School District, located in Michigan, encompasses four township communities and serves around 8,800 students across various educational institutions, including high schools, middle schools, elementary schools, and an early childhood center. Shannon Loso, a dedicated administrator, faced immense challenges due to a significant reduction in her support staff following the COVID-19 pandemic. This case study illustrates how Ankored's innovative solutions transformed Shannon's administrative processes, enhanced coaching education, and provided much-needed peace of mind.


Administrative Overload

The COVID-19 pandemic drastically reduced Shannon's support staff, leaving her and an administrative assistant to manage tasks that previously required a larger team. This situation forced Shannon to juggle multiple responsibilities, such as:

  • Team creation and management
  • Recruiting and training coaches
  • Scheduling officials
  • Managing logistics and facilities
  • Overseeing compliance with safety and educational standards

Handling these tasks manually was not only time-consuming but also prone to errors. The lack of support staff meant that Shannon had to perform duties that would normally be distributed among several team members, leading to burnout and inefficiencies.


Compliance Overload

Ensuring compliance with coaching and educational requirements became particularly burdensome. Using spreadsheets, Shannon manually tracked background checks, concussion training, policy agreements, and other certifications. This process was inefficient, error-prone, and time-consuming, often involving constant follow-ups. The manual nature of the task made it difficult to maintain up-to-date records and ensure all requirements were met consistently.



Shannon discovered Ankored at the Athletic Business / NAYS Conference while seeking solutions to her increasing administrative load. Ankored's potential to streamline compliance tracking and reduce administrative overhead caught her attention. The system promised to centralize and automate many tasks she manually managed, offering a practical solution to her challenges.



  • Onboarding Period: Implemented over a period of 3 weeks
  • Training: Conducted two training sessions for Shannon and her administrative assistant
  • Customization: Tailored Ankored to include Huron Valley's specific compliance requirements



Streamlined Administrative Processes

By adopting Ankored, Shannon drastically reduced the time spent on administrative tasks. Previously, she and her staff spent over six hours a week chasing down compliance paperwork. With Ankored, this task was reduced to about 30 minutes per week.

"Ankored has revolutionized our coaching education program and how we track information for officials, customers, parents, and players," said Shannon. "The support staff is fabulous, and the system has truly saved us hours of time and tons of headaches."

Ankored's user-friendly interface and automated processes made it easy for Shannon to manage her administrative duties efficiently. The system's ability to generate reports and provide real-time updates on compliance status meant that Shannon could quickly address any issues that arose, ensuring smooth operation and high standards across the district.


Improved Compliance Tracking

Before Ankored After Ankored

Compliance tracking was done manually using spreadsheets, taking up more than 6 hours a week.

Automated compliance tracking with real-time updates, reducing the task to under 30 minutes per week.


"With Ankored, we achieved 100% compliance for head coaches and 98% for assistant coaches, a notable improvement considering the expanded requirements," Shannon highlighted. "This high level of compliance ensures that all participants receive high-quality and safe instruction."

Shannon's ability to manage a wider range of compliance requirements without additional workload was a game-changer. Ankored's automated reminders ensured that all necessary documents and training were completed on time, reducing the risk of non-compliance and enhancing the overall safety and quality of the district's programs.





Enhanced Coach Education

New Training Modules

Introduced comprehensive coaching education programs, including foundational and sport-specific training from Positive Coaching Alliance and National Youth Sports (NYS). Better-trained coaches lead to higher quality programs, attracting more participants and providing better student experiences.

 "Better-trained coaches lead to higher quality programs, which in turn attract more participants and provide better experiences for the students," Shannon explained. "Ankored has made it possible for us to offer and manage these programs effectively."

The enhanced education programs ensured that coaches were well-equipped to handle various aspects of their roles, from technical skills to soft skills such as communication and leadership. This comprehensive approach not only benefited the coaches but also had a positive impact on the students and the community as a whole.


Expanded Usage and Future Plans

Current Usage Future Usage
Managing coaches' compliance and training Expand usage to officials, staff, and parents, particularly for concussion training. Consider using Ankored to gather and manage data for under-18 staff.

"We are considering using Ankored to gather and manage data for under-18 staff, including contact information and compliance with various policies and training requirements," Shannon said. "This forward-thinking approach ensures that our district remains at the forefront of educational and recreational program management."

By expanding Ankored’s usage, Shannon aims to create a more cohesive and efficient system for managing all aspects of the district’s sports and educational programs. The ability to include officials, staff, and parents in the compliance tracking system will further enhance the district's ability to maintain high standards and ensure the safety and well-being of all participants.

Peace of Mind

One of the significant intangible benefits Shannon noted was the peace of mind that came with knowing all compliance data was centralized and easily accessible. She no longer had to worry about missing paperwork or forgotten tasks, significantly reducing her stress levels and allowing her to focus on more strategic initiatives.

"The ability to quickly generate reports and see the compliance status of all coaches and staff provided a level of oversight and control that was previously unattainable," Shannon stated.

This peace of mind allowed Shannon to focus on long-term planning and development, knowing that Ankored efficiently handled the day-to-day administrative tasks. The reduction in stress and increased control over compliance matters translated into a more positive and productive work environment for Shannon and her team.



Key Metrics

Time Savings Reduced administrative time from over 6 hours to under 30 minutes per week.
Compliance Rates Achieved 100% compliance for head coaches and 98% for assistant coaches.
Quality of Programs Enhanced educational programs for coaches, improving the overall quality of sports programs.
Efficiency Gains The streamlined administrative processes allow Shannon to focus on program development and strategic planning.
High Compliance Ensured all participants receive high-quality and safe instruction.
Program Improvement Introduced comprehensive training modules, ensuring coaches are well-prepared and knowledgeable.

Future Expansion

Plans to use Ankored for officials, staff, and parents indicate a high level of trust and satisfaction with the system. Shannon is exploring additional uses for Ankored, such as managing data for under-18 staff and expanding training requirements to parents and officials. This future expansion reflects the system's scalability and potential to address various needs within the district.


The implementation of Ankored has revolutionized the administrative processes within the Huron Valley School District under Shannon Loso’s management. It has saved significant time, reduced the administrative burden, and improved compliance tracking and coaching education. Shannon’s proactive approach and strategic use of Ankored have set a new standard for managing educational and recreational programs.

"Ankored has truly transformed how we manage our coaching education program and compliance tracking," Shannon concluded. "The system's user-friendly design and exceptional support from Ankored’s staff have made a significant difference. I'm excited to see where it will take us in the next several years." 


Final Thoughts

Shannon Loso’s experience with Ankored exemplifies how the right tools can transform administrative processes, enhance program quality, and provide administrators with peace of mind. By adopting Ankored, Huron Valley School District has set a benchmark for other districts, demonstrating the significant benefits of streamlined compliance tracking and enhanced educational programs for coaches.

As Shannon continues to explore new ways to leverage Ankored, the future looks promising for Huron Valley School District. The district remains committed to providing high-quality educational and recreational programs, ensuring safety and compliance, and continuously improving to meet new challenges and opportunities.

Shannon's story is a testament to the power of innovation and strategic thinking in overcoming administrative challenges and enhancing program quality. Ankored has not only met but exceeded expectations, proving to be an invaluable asset to the district. The success of Huron Valley School District with Ankored is a model for other districts seeking to improve their administrative processes and coaching education programs.



Want to see how Ankored can transform your district's administrative processes and coaching education programs? Get a personalized demo today and discover the benefits of streamlined compliance tracking and enhanced educational programs.